You are under NO obligation to agree with any of your limiting thoughts.
Any of these thoughts sound familiar…
• why can’t I figure this out?
• why am I not further ahead?
• why is it taking so long?
• why do I keep restarting over and over again?
• what don’t I know?
• what can’t I see?
• why am I wasting my time?
• why do I feel guilty taking time off?
• why am I letting money control me?
• why can’t I crack the money code?
• what if my clients say shitty things about me?
• what if I’m chasing happiness and ruining the present?
• why can’t I stick to a diet?
• why am I always anxious for no reason?
• why can’t I just be happy?
Your truth may be true for you.
But how many of the above statements are nothing more than a story, that you could change with one decision?
The fact is many of these statements you have inherited from someone else.
They might have resonated with you at one point and then you decided to own these beliefs as your own.
You may have these thoughts, but you are not your thoughts.
You are on choice away from the future you have been desperately chasing.
When you see how freakin powerful you really are, no amount of limiting stories will stop you.