Life Changing Conversations

Had many incredible, life-changing conversations with Eric this week in Toronto.
Feels like I could write a book on all that’s happened in the last 48 hours.. and I’m feeling compelled to share a few key messages.
We all reach a point in life where we hit the “stretch” targets we had once set.
We tell ourselves “when we hit X milestone, things will be different”.
When I make “X” dollars, I’ll slow down.
When revenue hits “X”, then I’ll take the family on vacation.
What this type of thinking has in common is that you likely have the best of intentions to follow through on your promise when you do indeed reach that milestone.
But what happens when you hit your target?
Do you actually celebrate?
Do you take the time to acknowledge your success?
Did you take a moment to sit with the journey?
Or… do you go right back to setting another target only to repeat the process over?
I’ll let you be honest with yourself.
I’ve come to realize that many of my friends and clients, Eric included, are smarter than me.
In fact, I don’t think I’m that smart in the traditional sense.
But what I’ve gotten incredibly good at is helping smart people get out of their own way.
Instead of helping them collect more information, I challenge them to demonstrate and consistently apply what is useful in their life.
I hold up a metaphorical mirror for my clients and ask them to take a really good look, and be honest about what they see inside, without any judgement.
So on this beautiful day, l invite you to take a good look at your life and honestly ask yourself
“am I 100% clear, without any uncertainty, what I’m working towards and why?”
“am I waking up most days of the week, incredibly inspired to begin my take and work towards a compelling vision?
“in what ways have I already hit the success level that in the past, would have been a dream goal?”
And ultimately, you don’t have to do any of this.
After all, I may not know you or have any connection to your life.
But what I do know is this…
You’re probably the person in your friend group that people consider to be successful.
But on the inside, you may not quite feel like it.
If that’s you, you’re not alone.
And to Eric Morin…
Thank you for sharing your beautiful light with the world.
Keep being more of who you are inside.

You want to find “high value” clients? Become a high value person yourself.


“I don’t have time to workout” Truth is, I did have time.