8 Signs You’re Working With Pessimist Clients

You know the people who see the glass as half empty?
You can keep working with them if you like, and if it’s bringing you tons of joy.
But if you have even one client in your roster that is beginning to drain your energy, soon that will be felt by everyone else in your world.
The world you’ve worked hard to build.
How to know if you’re working with pessimists?
They use phrases and radiate thoughts of:
1. Constantly complaining of why the world is out to get them
2. Always thinking about the worst case scenarios
3. Full of regrets in their life, including past coaches and masterminds, and programs that also didn’t work
4. They quit at the first sign of difficulty or things becoming challenging
5. They shut down on all future possibilities that are available to them
6. They begin seeking a pity party and seek others to join them
7. They will talk themselves out of ideas because they don’t have 100% of the information
8. In order to celebrate future disappoint, they set smaller and smaller goals
The cool thing is…
This is NOT a FIXED trait.
I believe these people can change.
Optimism can be learned, like any habit.
Pessimists turn every thought into a belief.
And that belief controls how they act.
Optimists get ahead of their thoughts.
And they create a reality that they are in control of.
If someone keeps saying “this is just who I am” and never want to challenge that belief, they may one day turn into a difficult client.
But hey…
These are just some early morning thoughts, I havent’ had my coffee yet
And people in the photo above are TOTAL OPPOSITE of who I’m describing above

“Everyone in dentistry is suddenly doing retreats. How will my event stand out?”


How to Host Profitable Retreats (Sept 12-14, 2024, Toronto)