My business hit $100K in December 2023!

A huge milestone for me, the highest cash collected month since I started.
I attended a party recently and an acquaintance asked me "are you still freelancing?"
This guy is a lawyer, he's never taken the time to ask me what I do.
My response was simple, "yup...still freelancing".
He proceeded to share how he makes 300k a year, making sure I heard it.
My response, again, was simple "awesome man, I'm happy for you".
Here's the thing.
Everyone has their worldview of how they think the world works.
You have a worldview.
And if you're a coach or consultant connected with me, you might be thinking:
A) Holy f*ck. How the heck did he make that in one month?
B) Nice, congrats Karan! I've been seeing the work you're putting in. I'm right behind you!
C) Pfft. 100K? That's it? I made that last week.
Let me share another example of your worldview.
What do you believe the LEAST out of the following scenarios:
A) A local Dominos in your neighborhood makes $1 million a year, averaging $83k per month (with LOTS of expenses), selling pizza.
B) The dentist you go to, their practice makes $1 million a year, averaging $83k per month (with LOTS of expenses), selling oral care.
C) An online coach figured out the strategy to make $1 million a year, averaging $83k per month (with little expenses), selling their gifts.
I'm guessing you'd say option C.
Your worldviews can serve you, to protect you, or they can harm you and keep you stuck.
We are seeing in real time more and more people betting on themselves creating a one or two person business.

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